




Students and mentees


This page contains brief information on the postdoctoral scholars, postgraduate, undergraduate and high-school students that Sanjeeva has mentored.

Postdoctoral Scholars
  • Chantelle Blachut (postdoctoral scholar, 2021-2024)
  • Li Zhang (postdoctoral scholar, 2018-2019) [currently at Shandong University of Political Science and Law]

Research Students
  • Sean McGowan (PhD student, University of Adelaide, 2022-): Optimal control of global flow trajectories
  • Liz Jagersma (PhD student, University of Adelaide, 2022-): The inverse problem of determining bottom topography based on free-surface height in three-dimensional flows
  • Hugh Michalski (PhD student, University of Adelaide, 2022-): Two-dimensional flow past a bump: generalization of the short- and long-bump limits
  • Liam Blake (MPhil student, University of Adelaide, 2022-24): Incorporating stochastic sensitivity as an uncertainty measure for data assimilation and parcel trajectories in geophysical flows
  • Aleksandar Badza (PhD, University of Adelaide, 2018-2022): Quantitative evaluation of Lagrangian coherent structure methods based on experimental and computational limitations [currently postdoctoral associate at the University of New South Wales]
  • Rose Crocker, (MPhil, 2019-2021): Data assimilation in Lagrangian coherent structure analysis [currently at the Australian Institute of Marine Science]
  • Alexandar Tam (PhD, University of Adelaide, 2016-2019): Mathematical modelling of pattern formation in biofilms [currently Lecturer at the University of South Australia]
  • John Hornibrook (MSc by research, University of Sydney 2006-2008): Combustion waves in solid and viscous fuels [currently at Microsoft]

[Note: Research students at the University of Adelaide are mentored in teams, and not just with one advisor.]

Undergraduate Students
  • Sami Salem ( AMSI vacation scholar, University of Adelaide, 2021/22): Fourier transforms, convolution matrices and image processing
  • Liam Blake ( AMSI vacation scholar, , University of Adelaide, 2021/22): Improving clustering techniques for detecting Lagrangian coherent structures
  • Eunice Yuwono (Vacation scholar, University of Adelaide 2020/21): Temperature data filtering and analysis for inferring optimal conditions for comfort
  • Rose Crocker ( AMSI vacation scholar, University of Adelaide, 2017/18): Extracting coherently moving flow structures from fluid flows
  • Nicole Georgiou (BSc (Hon.), University of Adelaide, 2017): Modelling oxygen dynamics in the body
  • Rachel McLean (Vacation scholar, University of Adelaide, 2016): Turing patterns
  • Rahul Kalampattel (Vacation scholar, University of Adelaide, 2016): Unsteady flow barrier extraction from turbulent flow data
    [This project resulted in a journal article which was published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics]
  • Felix Jones (BSc (Hon.), University of Adelaide, 2014): Stability of delay differential equations
  • Michael DeCorato (Connecticut College, 2013): Difference equations in genetics
  • Ricardo Kabila (Connecticut College, 2013): Existence and uniqueness for stochastic differential equations in mathematical finance
  • Bo Xiong (Connecticut College, 2013): Sparse coding
  • Catherine Lawton (Connecticut College, 2012): Mathematical models for the Eiffel tower
  • Max Kelly (Connecticut College, 2012): Fractal sets and their connectivity
  • Aminata Ly (Connecticut College, 2011): Solow growth models
  • Cassie Robertson (Connecticut College, 2009): Hilbert spaces
  • Dan Stewart (Connecticut College, 2009): The mathematics of rowing
  • David Meleney (Connecticut College, 2008): Green's functions
  • Elizabeth Parillo (Connecticut College, 2007): Mathematical biology for conservation
  • Jennifer Romanelli (Connecticut College, 2007): Wavelets
  • Dulguun Baasandavaa (Connecticut College, 2007): Chaotic dynamics in finance
  • Alex Glazebrook (BSc (Hon), University of Sydney, 2005): Quantifying chaotic mixing


2015 MCM teams The team of Alex Tam and Parsa Kavkani, with Sanjeeva as the advisor, were Outstanding Winners of the Mathematical Contest in Modeling, and were awarded the INFORMS Award. This is the only Australian team to have ever won this international contest.

RoboRoos logo The RoboRoos East middle-school team of the Student Robotics Club of South Australia (RoboRoos) for whom Sanjeeva was a mentor for their competitions, has enjoyed phenomenal success at the national and international level at the FIRST Lego League (FLL) competitions, at which over 600,000 students participate worldwide. The successes of this RoboRoos East team include:
  • Champion, Australian National FLL competition, Sydney, Australia (December 2017).
  • First Place Award in Innovative Research Solution, World FLL Competition, Houston, USA (April 2018).
  • First Place Award in Robot Programming, World FLL Competition, Detroit, USA (April 2019).
  • Second Place, Australian National FLL competition, Sydney, Australia (December 2018).
  • Champion, South Australian FLL competition, Adelaide, Australia (November 2017).
